American Odd: Them: Adventures with Extremists, by Jon Ronson

Gonzo journalism for those who enjoyed the Jon Stewart-era Daily Show. Jon Ronson tries to figure who out “them” are, since they are supposed to control the world from a darkened room with their Bilderberg friends. Ronson tries to find that room and why he wasn’t invited Continue reading American Odd: Them: Adventures with Extremists, by Jon Ronson

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CCLaP Fridays: Pagan Kennedy’s Living: A Guidebook for Aging Hipsters, by Pagan Kennedy

This week I review the 1997 classic “Pagan Kennedy’s Living: A Guidebook for Aging Hipsters,” where the Queen of ‘Zines offers advice and lifestyle tips. Continue reading CCLaP Fridays: Pagan Kennedy’s Living: A Guidebook for Aging Hipsters, by Pagan Kennedy

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