80sSFF: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

A series dedicated to examining the science fiction and fantasy films from 1979 to 1989. The series will investigate whether these films possess certain ineffable qualities missing from today’s films of the same genres. This time, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Continue reading 80sSFF: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

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80sSFF: The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies of the 1980s

I was a child of the 1980s and I have a fondness for the science fiction and fantasy movies of that period.  Is there anything beyond this apart from a misplaced nostalgia?  Are there differences between these movies and contemporary movies? Introduction Cusp year: Apocalypse Now & Apocalypse Now Redux (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979; Redux, 2001) Raiders of the Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg, 1981) Time Bandits (Terry Gilliam, 1981) Bladerunner (Ridley Scott, 1982; “Director’s Cut”, 1992) The Dark Crystal (Jim Henson and Frank Oz, 1982) This will be covered in a bonus essay in my book, On Being Human. Dune … Continue reading 80sSFF: The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies of the 1980s

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80sSFF: Apocalypse Now (1979) and Apocalypse Now Redux (2001)

The first part in a series dedicated to examining the science fiction and fantasy films from 1979 to 1989.  The series will investigate whether these films possess certain ineffable qualities missing from today’s films of the same genres. Kurtz: I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin? Willard: I’m a soldier. Kurtz: You’re neither. You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill. Why are we beginning a series devoted to the science fiction and fantasy films of the 1980s with Apocalypse Now?  Francis Ford Coppola’s epic Vietnam War film holds the … Continue reading 80sSFF: Apocalypse Now (1979) and Apocalypse Now Redux (2001)

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What I’m Reading 2012 and Other Business

What I’m Reading 2012 Overview: I’m currently reading five books.  Each poses certain challenges (in some cases, self-imposed challenges) to me as a reader, reviewer, critic, historian, and aesthete.  While New Year’s Resolutions get broken seconds after they’re uttered, these challenges will form an informal backbone to my reading schedule.  As it stands, I want to increase the frequency of my blog posts from bimonthly to weekly.  (The same goes for my other blog, Coffee is for Closers.)  The positive responses from readers has really inspired me to do more. As you’ll see with these challenges, I want to “raise … Continue reading What I’m Reading 2012 and Other Business

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